I've added a KMM module in my Android Studio project. My project builds successfully. I have added shared module in your dependencies of
App level build.gradle.kts
it looks like this :-
I am adding my project directory
My project inside this directory
> /Users/vmodi/AndroidStudioProjects/KotlinCocoapods
I created a xcode project and create a pod file using
pod init
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'IosCocoapods' do
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for IosCocoapods
pod 'kotlinmultiplatformsharedmodule', :path => '/Users/vmodi/AndroidStudioProjects/KotlinCocoapods/kotlinmultiplatformsharedmodule'
I run the command in new terminal and go to ios project directory
cd /Users/vmodi/Xcode/IosCocoapods
pod install --verbose
My Ios project structure look like this
I open project and import module then I write Greeting().greeting()
it gives error
Cannot find 'Greeting' in scope
With Cocoapods you need to open *.xcworkspace
file instead of *.xcodeproj
, more info can be found here.
Then you need to run build with ⌘+B. This will run a script that builds the KMM framework, and after building (if successful) and completing the indexing, you should not see any error.