My Python test script causes our product to raise Windows notifications ("Toasts"). How can my python script verify that the notifications are indeed raised?
I see it's possible to make a notification listener in C# using Windows.UI.Notifications.Management.UserNotificationListener
(ref), And I see I can make my own notifications in Python using win10toast - but how do I listen to othe apps' notifications?
You can use pywinrt to access the bindings in python. A basic example would look something like this:
from import UserNotificationListener, UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus
from import NotificationKinds, KnownNotificationBindings
if not ApiInformation.is_type_present("Windows.UI.Notifications.Management.UserNotificationListener"):
print("UserNotificationListener is not supported on this device.")
listener = UserNotificationListener.get_current()
accessStatus = await listener.request_access_async()
if accessStatus != UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus.ALLOWED:
print("Access to UserNotificationListener is not allowed.")
def handler(listener, event):
notification = listener.get_notification(event.user_notification_id)
# get some app info if available
if hasattr(notification, "app_info"):
print("App Name: ", notification.app_info.display_info.display_name)