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Compare all services on the local computer with referent list of allowed services stored in .html file - Powershell

I need a script in powershell that will check the status of all services on the local computer and compare with the reference list of allowed services stored in the .html file I created earlier. After the comparison, the script will stop all services running on the computer that are not listed in the reference file.


  • First i would like to say this code has no validation and will not work well with other html tables. And it is not optimized at all.

    $ServicesFromHTML = (gc .\services.htm | where {$_ -match '^<tr><td>(Name:|Status:|<hr>)'}) -replace "</?t(r|d)>","" -join ";" -replace ";<hr>;","`r`n" -replace "(Name:|Status:)","" | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Header "Name","Status"
    $RunningServices = Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select Name,Status
    "Comparing services if they are currently running ("<=") or were running when exported ("=>")"
    Compare-Object $RunningServices.Name $ServicesFromHTML.Name
    $OnlyNowRunningServices = (Compare-Object $RunningServices.Name $ServicesFromHTML.Name | where {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="}).InputObject
    $OnlyNowRunningServices | foreach {"Trying to stop Service $_";Stop-Service $_}

    For the future use CSV/XML/JSON export as you can import them quite easy. If you need something human readable to read in browser, then create it additionaly.