Have the following string i need to split.
$string = "This is string sample - $2565";
$split_point = " - ";
One: I need to be able to split the string into two parts using a regex or any other match and specify where is going to split.
Second: Also want to do a preg_match for $ and then only grab number on the right of $.
$split_string = explode($split_point, $string);
preg_match('/\$(\d*)/', $split_string[1], $matches);
$amount = $matches[1];
If you want, this could all be done in one regex with:
$pattern = '/^(.*)'.preg_quote($split_point).'\$(\d*)$/'
preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);
$description = $matches[1];
$amount = $matches[2];