I have a generator that takes a dictionary and generates a class containing the key & value and returns that. I would like to recreate the dictionary from that.
class Limits:
self._info = {"Test":"Toast"}
def absolute(self):
for (name, value) in self._info['absolute'].items():
yield AbsoluteLimit(name, value)
class AbsoluteLimit(object):
def __init__(self, name, value):
self.name = name
self.value = value
My dirty solution would be:
limits_dict = {}
for elem in Limits.absolute:
Is there a more pythonic way to create the dictionary?
The method in question is from https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/blob/master/novaclient/v2/limits.py
Use a dictionary comprehension:
limits_dict = {elem.name: elem.value for elem in Limits.absolute}