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Last Sunday in Vertica SQL?

checked that vsql doesn't have dateadd function.

Coming from pandas where there's datetime.dt(year=x, week=y...)

What's the alternative to input a custom date here so that the below can be achieved

GETDATE()+datediff(day=1, week=WEEK_ISO(GETDATE()) - 1)


  • I just had a test program up my sleeve, where I calculate the first day of the week according to ISO and according to standard, and of the month, and also the last day of the ISO and of the "standard" week for a series of dates.

    Here's the full script and its result - it also shows the use of TIMESERIES to create a list of dates out of nothing:

    WITH dtlimits(dt) AS (
                SELECT DATE '2021-12-20'
      UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2022-01-10'
    dtlist AS (
        tsd::DATE AS dt
      FROM dtlimits
    , TO_CHAR(dt,'Dy') AS wkday
    , dayofweek(dt)
    , dayofweek_iso(dt)
    , YEAR(dt)*100+WEEK(dt) AS yw
    , YEAR(dt)*100+WEEK_ISO(dt)  AS ywiso
    , (dt - dayofweek_iso(dt) + 1)                         AS firstdowiso
    , (dt - dayofweek(dt) + 1    )                         AS firstdow
    , ((dt - dayofweek(dt) + 6    ) + (86399/86400))::DATE AS lastdow
    , ((dt - dayofweek_iso(dt) + 6) + (86399/86400))::DATE AS lastdowiso
    , dayofmonth(dt)             AS dom
    FROM dtlist;
    -- out      dt     | wkday | dayofweek | dayofweek_iso |   yw   | ywiso  | firstdowiso |  firstdow  |  lastdow   | lastdowiso | dom 
    -- out ------------+-------+-----------+---------------+--------+--------+-------------+------------+------------+------------+-----
    -- out  2021-12-20 | Mon   |         2 |             1 | 202152 | 202151 | 2021-12-20  | 2021-12-19 | 2021-12-24 | 2021-12-25 |  20
    -- out  2021-12-21 | Tue   |         3 |             2 | 202152 | 202151 | 2021-12-20  | 2021-12-19 | 2021-12-24 | 2021-12-25 |  21
    -- out  2021-12-22 | Wed   |         4 |             3 | 202152 | 202151 | 2021-12-20  | 2021-12-19 | 2021-12-24 | 2021-12-25 |  22
    -- out  2021-12-23 | Thu   |         5 |             4 | 202152 | 202151 | 2021-12-20  | 2021-12-19 | 2021-12-24 | 2021-12-25 |  23
    -- out  2021-12-24 | Fri   |         6 |             5 | 202152 | 202151 | 2021-12-20  | 2021-12-19 | 2021-12-24 | 2021-12-25 |  24
    -- out  2021-12-25 | Sat   |         7 |             6 | 202152 | 202151 | 2021-12-20  | 2021-12-19 | 2021-12-24 | 2021-12-25 |  25
    -- out  2021-12-26 | Sun   |         1 |             7 | 202153 | 202151 | 2021-12-20  | 2021-12-26 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-25 |  26
    -- out  2021-12-27 | Mon   |         2 |             1 | 202153 | 202152 | 2021-12-27  | 2021-12-26 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-01-01 |  27
    -- out  2021-12-28 | Tue   |         3 |             2 | 202153 | 202152 | 2021-12-27  | 2021-12-26 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-01-01 |  28
    -- out  2021-12-29 | Wed   |         4 |             3 | 202153 | 202152 | 2021-12-27  | 2021-12-26 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-01-01 |  29
    -- out  2021-12-30 | Thu   |         5 |             4 | 202153 | 202152 | 2021-12-27  | 2021-12-26 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-01-01 |  30
    -- out  2021-12-31 | Fri   |         6 |             5 | 202153 | 202152 | 2021-12-27  | 2021-12-26 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-01-01 |  31
    -- out  2022-01-01 | Sat   |         7 |             6 | 202201 | 202252 | 2021-12-27  | 2021-12-26 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-01-01 |   1
    -- out  2022-01-02 | Sun   |         1 |             7 | 202202 | 202252 | 2021-12-27  | 2022-01-02 | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-01 |   2
    -- out  2022-01-03 | Mon   |         2 |             1 | 202202 | 202201 | 2022-01-03  | 2022-01-02 | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-08 |   3
    -- out  2022-01-04 | Tue   |         3 |             2 | 202202 | 202201 | 2022-01-03  | 2022-01-02 | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-08 |   4
    -- out  2022-01-05 | Wed   |         4 |             3 | 202202 | 202201 | 2022-01-03  | 2022-01-02 | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-08 |   5
    -- out  2022-01-06 | Thu   |         5 |             4 | 202202 | 202201 | 2022-01-03  | 2022-01-02 | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-08 |   6
    -- out  2022-01-07 | Fri   |         6 |             5 | 202202 | 202201 | 2022-01-03  | 2022-01-02 | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-08 |   7
    -- out  2022-01-08 | Sat   |         7 |             6 | 202202 | 202201 | 2022-01-03  | 2022-01-02 | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-08 |   8
    -- out  2022-01-09 | Sun   |         1 |             7 | 202203 | 202201 | 2022-01-03  | 2022-01-09 | 2022-01-14 | 2022-01-08 |   9
    -- out  2022-01-10 | Mon   |         2 |             1 | 202203 | 202202 | 2022-01-10  | 2022-01-09 | 2022-01-14 | 2022-01-15 |  10