I currently have an ORACLE table which, in one column, contains obviously corrupted strings like the following: Pachtvertrag über eine Gaststätte
At some point, there probably have been used a wrong encoding for the string. Is there a way of fixing the "wrong" encoding in a string like this even when the string is already corrupted like this?
I tried the following:
SELECT CONVERT('Pachtvertrag über eine Gaststätte', 'UTF8', 'US7ASCII') FROM DUAL;
But this leads to: Pachtvertrag ����ber eine Gastst����tte
, while it should actually be Pachtvertrag über eine Gaststätte
Another idea of mine was to somehow convert the string to bytes first (e.g. by using TO_SINGLE_BYTE
) but this didn't lead to the desired result, either.
Character set US7ASCII
does not support special characters and you must flip the character sets.
So, correction statement must be like
CONVERT('Pachtvertrag über eine Gaststätte', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'AL32UTF8')
Just a note, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15 and Windows-CP1252 (WE8MSWIN1252
) are very similar. See ISO 8859-15 vs. -1 vs. Windows-1252 vs. Unicode and pick the correct encoding.