I need to detect number of channels and the format of audio (interleaved or non-interleaved) from AVAssetTrack. I tried the following code to detect the number of channels. As can be seen in the code, there are two ways to detect number of channels. I want to know which one is more reliable and correct, or none of them perhaps (irrespective of audio format)?
if let formatDescriptions = track.formatDescriptions as? [CMAudioFormatDescription],
let audioFormatDesc = formatDescriptions.first,
let asbd = CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetStreamBasicDescription(audioFormatDesc)
//First way to detect number of channels
numChannels = asbd.pointee.mChannelsPerFrame
var aclSize:size_t = 0
var currentChannelLayout:UnsafePointer<AudioChannelLayout>? = nil
currentChannelLayout = CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetChannelLayout(audioFormatDesc, sizeOut: &aclSize)
if let currentChannelLayout = currentChannelLayout, aclSize > 0 {
let channelLayout = currentChannelLayout.pointee
//second way of detecting number of channels
numChannels = AudioChannelLayoutTag_GetNumberOfChannels(channelLayout.mChannelLayoutTag)
And I don't know how to get audio format details (interleaved or non-interleaved). Looking for help in this.
Use the AudioStreamBasicDescription
. All audio CMFormat
s have one, while the AudioChannelLayout
is optional:
AudioChannelLayouts are optional; this API returns NULL if one doesn’t exist.