I created a layout using ZebraDesigner, it has fields and barcodes. I can only export to a .PRN file that contains "ZPL" code, but when I open the file, the fields are missing, I can only find the barcode's fields.
This is an example of what I am getting
As you see, there is a lot of strange code.
This is what I expected to see
The printer still prints all the fields, but the problem is that i need to see those fields in clear into the PRN file because in my program i parse the file template and replace all the fields, for example @idArticolo@ with their corrispondent information picked from a database.
The strange thing is that in the .PRN file i see in clear only the barcode fields. But normal text is not included.
The problem was the font, that was not compatible with the zebra editor. I used one of the default zebra fonts of ZebraDesginer.