I've made an Android app that use a custom listview with an adapter, a refresh button and an onlick event for each row. My problem is that the first time that the list load all works well, but when i hit refresh then i click on a random row the app crashes with the following error:
android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running?
In the onlick event i have a custom dialog with 4 buttons, the error is in the last row (builder.create().show()).
rowView.setOnClickListener {
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(context)
builder.setTitle(context.getString(R.string.alert_commands_desc) + " " + recipe.valve)
) { dialog, which ->
when (which) {
0 -> sendValveCommand("AV", recipe.id, context)
1 -> sendValveCommand("CV", recipe.id, context)
2 -> sendValveCommand("AC", recipe.id, context)
3 -> dialog.dismiss()
This is the adapter part:
if (json.has("Apparati_Controllo")) {
val controlElementList = json.getJSONArray("Apparati_Controllo")
val recipeList = ControlElement.populateRecipe(controlElementList)
val adapter = ControlElementAdapter(thisContext, recipeList)
listView.adapter = adapter
I tried by clearing adapter, list, change context, nothing works... Thanks a lot, tell me if you need more code.
I never prefer using this
or getApllicationContext()
for any view that needs to be shown. Instead use this:
this@MyActivityName //in kotlin
MyActivityName.this //in java
Also add this in your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>