I have a configuration which I am defining as follows:
_target_: make_pipeline
- ColumnMapper:
_target_: ColumnMapper
columns: null
- SeriesMaker:
_target_: SeriesMaker
time_column: null
value_cols: null
Now, I want to specify these null fields from the command line. So, I tried something like:
'preprocessing.steps_config.1.value_cols=[x, y]'
Now, this comes back with
Could not override 'preprocessing.steps_config.1.value_cols'.
To append to your config use +preprocessing.steps_config.1.value_cols=[x,y]
`Key 'value_cols' is not in struct
full_key: preprocessing.steps_config[1].value_cols
I tried various combinations but it does not seem to see the final key in the dictionary.
Your key seems to be missing an element. try:
'preprocessing.steps_config.1.SeriesMaker.value_cols=[x, y]'
Or the equivalent:
'preprocessing.steps_config[1].SeriesMaker.value_cols=[x, y]'