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Oracle sql generate consecutive numbers per row

I have a table with a seqno column. I would like to create another column (grpseqno) based on this which is numbered from 1 to 3 only as shown below. It would be neat if this is created by Oracle sql. Thank you in advance.

seqno  grpseqno
1          1
2          2
3          3
4          1
5          2
6          3
7          1

I cannot seem to get to cycle from 1 to 3


  • One option might be such a case expression:

    Sample data:

    SQL> with test (seqno) as
      2    (select 1 + level - 1 seqno
      3     from dual
      4     connect by level <= 7
      5    )

    Query begins here:

      6  select seqno,
      7    case when mod(seqno, 3) = 0 then 3
      8         else mod(seqno, 3)
      9    end grpseqno
     10  from test
     11  order by seqno;
    ---------- ----------
             1          1
             2          2
             3          3
             4          1
             5          2
             6          3
             7          1
    7 rows selected.