How do you write a string literal with new line characters in Pharo 9? I tried the following but neither of them inserted the new line:
a := 'paragraph1\n\nparagraph2'.
a := 'paragraph1\\n\\nparagraph2'.
The only way I could see to do it was through concatenation like so:
a := 'paragraph' ,
(String with: Character cr with: Character cr),
'new paragraph' ,
(String with: Character cr with: Character cr)
Is there a simpler (and shorter) way to do this?
You just do your line:
multiLineString := 'paragraph1
Pharo (as any other Smalltalk AFAIK) has multiline strings, you do not need any special notation as in Python or others.
EDIT: Note that while my example will be a literal, yours will not (there will be 2 literals there, and the resulting string will not be a literal.
EDIT 2: There is also String cr
EDIT 3: It can also be constructed with streams:
myMultiLineString := String streamContents: [ :stream |
nextPutAll: 'paragraph1'; cr;
nextPutAll: 'paragraph2'; cr ]