Can anybody tell me, how to get a dialog popup (ColorPickerDialog
) when i click on Button.
Code from comments:
Button color = (Button)findViewById(;
color.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
new ColorPickerDialog(getBaseContext(), mListener ,a ).show();
System.out.println("button pressed");
} });
I want select color , i done with spinner by using names. but i want more color's for that i have color picker dialog when i press on that button i want it will popup see in image:
You can use this one
button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
void onClick(View v) {
// create the color picker dialog and display it.
ColorPickerDialog dlg = new ColorPickerDialog(v.getContext(),new OnColorChangedListener() {
void colorChanged(int color) {
mSelectedColor = color;