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Passing message in std::exception from managed code to unmanaged

I am trying to throw a std::exception from managed code so that it is caught in unmanaged code. Where I'm struggling is passing a string (describing the exception) so that the (re-)caught exception can be examined using the what() method ...

#pragma managed

static std::string InvokeMethod() {

    try {
    catch (Exception^ ex) {
      std::string myExMsg = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::string>(ex->ToString());
      throw std::exception(myExMsg);
#pragma unmanaged

   void Execute() {
      try {
        myMethod = InvokeMethod();
      catch (std::exception ex) {

This doesn't compile with "no instance of constructor "stdext:exceptipon::exception" matches the argument list argument types are (std::string)" BUT if I 'hard code' a string into std::exception like this ...

 throw std::exception("An error has occurred");

... then that string gets passed along and returned by ex.what(). I also tried ...

throw std::runtime_error(myExMsg);

... but ex.what() just returns a string ending with '\x7F' (in case that's a clue).

It looks to me that std::exception is expecting some other type. But what type? What does 'myExMsg' need to be so that ex.what() returns the same string (that can be used in the SetError method)?


  • Following suggestion made by @Joe, I inherit from std::exception ...

     class InvokeException : public std::exception {
        InvokeException(std::string const& message) : msg_(message) { }
        virtual char const* what() const noexcept { return msg_.c_str(); }
        std::string msg_;

    ... and then ...

    const std::string myExMsg = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::string>(ex->Message);
    throw InvokeException(myExMsg);