I'm looking for every class in the page having a certain length.
Now I'm using
list=[] #empty array
elements = x.find_elements(By.XPATH,"//*[@class]") #finds out every element that have a class in the page, x is my chromedriver
for element in elements: #inspect every single element found
class = element.get_attribute('class') #filters only the class name
if (len(class)==8): #filters the class name exacy length
list.append(element) #the element is now inside of the list and the loop can inspect next element
But this is VERY slow, I think it's because of the for loop. Have you got any idea on how to look for a specific length directly inside of the find_elements function or avoiding the for loop or any other solution to speed this up?
i'm just answering my own question because i think i found a very fast method to do it
i wanted to find classname "g" or "g <6alphanumerics>" for some reason in javascript if you make document.getElementsByClassName('g') it finds everything i needed
So the new snippet is:
classes = x.execute_script("return document.getElementsByClassName('g')")
the return is important otherwise the array will be empty