I'm trying to get slow queries (secs_running >= 5s) via pymongo. I know how to list currentOp:
client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://<IP>:<Port>')
db = client.admin
op_list = db.command("currentOp")
How can I execute the below mongo query from pymongo?
I have tryed to execute the below code, but it doesn't seem to work.
op_list = db.command("currentOp",{'secs_running':{'$gte':5}})
Please help, thanks!
You're close, the sytnax you need is:
op_list = db.command({'currentOp': True, 'secs_running': {'$gte': 5}})
Reference: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.currentOp