So the button works content works fine but until I click on the button it duplicates the first array content, I have tried using the solutions to the other answers on another stackoverflow post but they don't help me or work. Please help
each note in notes
a(class='clickablebox', class='link', data-toggle='modal', data-target='#infoModal#{}') #{note.title}
div(class='modal fade', id='infoModal#{}', tabindex='-1', role='dialog', aria-labelledby='infoModalLabel', aria-hidden='true')
.modal-dialog.modal-dialog-centered(role='document', id='#{}')
h5#infoModalTitle.modal-title #{note.title}
button.close(type='button' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='Close')
i(class='fa fa-times')
| #{note.content}
Notes is [{'id': 'e', title: 'a', content: 'content'}, {'id': 'a', title: 'e', content: 'content'}]]
Tried: Duplicates when iterating loop in jade Insert dynamic data into bootstrap modal from array object - vanilla javascript
And others that should to add an id to each modal
so it seemed like 'infoModal#{}' so I just had to do 'infoModal'