from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from employee import Employee
import json
import re
# from custom_exception import Input_Exception
class ResourceManager:
employee_list: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
def menu(self):
print('1 : Show data about employee')
print('2 : Add new employee')
print('3 : Remove employee')
print('4 : Add or remove employee hours')
print('5 : Save changes into the file')
print('6 : Load data from the file')
print('7 : Check employee salary')
print('0 : Exit program')
def controls(self):
switch = {
"1": self.search_employee,
"2": self.add_employee,
"3": self.remove_employee,
"4": self.change_hours,
"5": self.save_data,
"6": self.load_data,
"7": self.check_salary,
"x": self.quit,
choice = input("Wybierz jedną opcję:\n=> ")
if choice in switch.keys():
print("Niepoprawny wybór!")
def quit(self):
x = False
return x
ResourceManage is a class used to represent fairly simple CLI, I used dictionary to implement switch and want to use def quit(self) to exit program.
from resource_manager import ResourceManager
if __name__ == '__main__':
setup = ResourceManager()
x = True
while x:
CLI Menu where I'm trying to use def quit(self) method to quit while loop by changing global x but it dose not work. I've tried quite few different thing but cant get this to work.
How can I fix that?
In your code there are two x. One x is in the local function quit, the other is the one in global scope. Assigning one won't change the other.
I would suggest you to add a attribute to the ResourceManager that states whether the cli should exit.
This could work like that:
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from employee import Employee
import json
import re
# from custom_exception import Input_Exception
class ResourceManager:
employee_list: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
x: bool = True
def menu(self):
print('1 : Show data about employee')
print('2 : Add new employee')
print('3 : Remove employee')
print('4 : Add or remove employee hours')
print('5 : Save changes into the file')
print('6 : Load data from the file')
print('7 : Check employee salary')
print('0 : Exit program')
def controls(self):
switch = {
"1": self.search_employee,
"2": self.add_employee,
"3": self.remove_employee,
"4": self.change_hours,
"5": self.save_data,
"6": self.load_data,
"7": self.check_salary,
"x": self.quit,
choice = input("Wybierz jedną opcję:\n=> ")
if choice in switch.keys():
print("Niepoprawny wybór!")
def quit(self):
self.x = False
return self.x
The main can now reference the attribute the following:
if __name__ == '__main__':
setup = ResourceManager()
while setup.x:
I hope i could help you?