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MySQL Access Read in FreeBASIC

I have a problem developing this example code.

This code would help to understand how communication with a MySQL server works in FreeBASIC, Currently I have been able to find some examples in C but I don't understand how to adapt everything in FreeBASIC.

In the part where the content should be displayed gives me an error when compiling and I have no idea how to do it.

#Include Once "mysql\"
#define NULL 0

    Dim Shared URLServer As String
    Dim Shared SVRDataBase As String
    Dim Shared SVRUser As String
    Dim Shared SVRPassword As String

    DIM Shared Conn As MYSQL PTR
    DIM Shared Row As MYSQL_ROW

Declare Function MySQLRead(MyQuery As String, MyWork As String) As Integer    

Function MySQLRead(MyQuery As String, MyWork As String) As Integer    
    URLServer = "localhost"
    SVRDataBase = "test"
    SVRUser = "testuser"
    SVRPassword = "testpassword"

    MyQuery = "SELECT * FROM `test_table`"
    Conn = mysql_init(NULL)
    if (Conn = 0) then Print "Error  Conn= 0"
    if mysql_real_connect(Conn, URLServer, SVRUser, SVRPassword, SVRDataBase, 0, NULL, 0) = NULL then Print "Real Connect = 1"
    if mysql_query(Conn, MyQuery) then Print "Query = 1"

    MySQLOut = mysql_store_result(Conn)

    if MySQLOut = 0 then Print "No out"
    Return 1
End Function  
Sub Reading()
    DIM TotalCol As Integer
    DIM TotalRow As Integer
    Dim CiR As Integer
    Dim CiC As Integer
    Dim NE as Integer
    IF MySQLRead("SELECT * FROM `cape_anagrafica`", "read") = 0 then Print "Errore"
    TotalCol = mysql_num_fields(MySQLOut)
    TotalRow = mysql_num_rows(MySQLOut)
    print TotalRow
    print MySQLOut(0)


End Sub


end 0


  • The code is written right what is wrong is just the display, treat the mysql object as an array while it is a type object.

    Below I will rewrite the correct code.

    #Include Once "mysql\"
    #define NULL 0
        Dim Shared URLServer As String
        Dim Shared SVRDataBase As String
        Dim Shared SVRUser As String
        Dim Shared SVRPassword As String
        DIM Shared Conn As MYSQL PTR
        DIM Shared MySQLOut As MYSQL_RES PTR
        DIM Shared Row As MYSQL_ROW
    Declare Function MySQLRead(MyQuery As String, MyWork As String) As Integer    
    Function MySQLRead(MyQuery As String, MyWork As String) As Integer    
        URLServer = "localhost"
        SVRDataBase = "test"
        SVRUser = "testuser"
        SVRPassword = "testpassword"
        MyQuery = "SELECT * FROM `test_table`"
        Conn = mysql_init(NULL)
        if (Conn = 0) then Print "Error  Conn= 0"
        if mysql_real_connect(Conn, URLServer, SVRUser, SVRPassword, SVRDataBase, 0, NULL, 0) = NULL then Print "Real Connect = 1"
        if mysql_query(Conn, MyQuery) then Print "Query = 1"
        MySQLOut = mysql_store_result(Conn)
        if MySQLOut = 0 then Print "No out"
        Return 1
    End Function  
    Sub Reading()
        DIM TotalCol As Integer
        DIM TotalRow As Integer
        Dim CiR As Integer
        Dim CiC As Integer
        Dim NE as Integer
        IF MySQLRead("SELECT * FROM `cape_anagrafica`", "read") = 0 then Print "Errore"
        TotalCol = mysql_num_fields(MySQLOut)
        TotalRow = mysql_num_rows(MySQLOut)
        print TotalRow
    ' remove print MySQLOut(0) because is not array
    ' and put this cicle FOR NEXT
    ' Remember Row[] is not a array if you want store the data in array you have ' to convert it 
        For CiR = 0 to TotalRow -1 step 1
        Row = mysql_fetch_row(MySQLOut)
          For Cic = 0 To TotalCol - 1 step 1
            if Row[CiC] = NULL then print "| NULL "; else print "| "; *Row[CiC]
          Next CiC
        Next Cir
    End Sub
    end 0