I'm running Python 3.9.1
Note: I know there are questions with similar titles. But those questions are embedded in complicated code that makes it hard to understand the problem. This is a bare-bones implementation of the problem which I think others will find easier to digest.
EDIT: I have Pool(processes=64)
in my code. But most other will probably have to change this according to how many cores there are on their computer. And if it takes too long, change listLen
to a smaller number
I'm trying to learn about multiprocessing in order to solve a problem at work. I have a list of arrays with which I need to do a pairwise comparison of the arrays. But for simplicity, I've recreated the gist of the problem with simple integers instead of arrays and an addition function instead of a call to some complicated comparison function. With the code below, I'm running into the titular error
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
import itertools
import random
def add_nums(a, b):
return(a + b)
if __name__ == "__main__":
listLen = 1000
# Create a list of random numbers to do pairwise additions of
myList = [random.choice(range(1000)) for i in range(listLen)]
# Create a list of all pairwise combinations of the indices of the list
index_combns = [*itertools.combinations(range(len(myList)),2)]
# Do the pairwise operation without multiprocessing
start_time = time.time()
sums_no_mp = [*map(lambda x: add_nums(myList[x[0]], myList[x[1]]), index_combns)]
end_time = time.time() - start_time
print(f"Process took {end_time} seconds with no MP")
# Do the pairwise operations with multiprocessing
start_time = time.time()
pool = Pool(processes=64)
sums_mp = pool.map(lambda x: add_nums(myList[x[0]], myList[x[1]]), index_combns)
end_time = time.time() - start_time
print(f"Process took {end_time} seconds with MP")
I'm not exactly sure why (though a thorough read through the multiprocessing docs would probably have an answer), but there's a pickling process involved in python's multiprocessing where child processes are passed certain things. While I would have expected the lambdas to be inherited and not passed via pickle-ing, I guess that's not what's happening.
Following the discussion in the comments, consider something like this approach:
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
import itertools
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import shared_memory
def add_mats(a, b):
return (a + b)
# Helper for mp version
def add_mats_shared(shm_name, array_shape, array_dtype, i1, i2):
shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=shm_name)
stacked = np.ndarray(array_shape, dtype=array_dtype, buffer=shm.buf)
a = stacked[i1]
b = stacked[i2]
result = add_mats(a, b)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
class Timer:
def __init__(self):
self.start = None
self.stop = None
self.delta = None
def __enter__(self):
self.start = time.time()
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_args):
self.stop = time.time()
self.delta = self.stop - self.start
arrays = [np.random.rand(5,5) for _ in range(50)]
index_combns = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(arrays)),2))
# Helper for non-mp version
def add_mats_pair(ij_pair):
i, j = ij_pair
a = arrays[i]
b = arrays[j]
return add_mats(a, b)
with Timer() as t:
# Do the pairwise operation without multiprocessing
sums_no_mp = list(map(add_mats_pair, index_combns))
print(f"Process took {t.delta} seconds with no MP")
with Timer() as t:
# Stack arrays and copy result into shared memory
stacked = np.stack(arrays)
shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(create=True, size=stacked.nbytes)
shm_arr = np.ndarray(stacked.shape, dtype=stacked.dtype, buffer=shm.buf)
shm_arr[:] = stacked[:]
with Pool(processes=32) as pool:
processes = [pool.apply_async(add_mats_shared, (
)) for (i,j) in index_combns]
sums_mp = [p.get() for p in processes]
print(f"Process took {t.delta} seconds with MP")
for i in range(len(sums_no_mp)):
assert (sums_no_mp[i] == sums_mp[i]).all()
print("Results match.")
It uses multiprocessing.shared_memory to share a single numpy (N+1)-dimensional array (instead of a list of N-dimensional arrays) between the host process and child processes.
Other things that are different but don't matter:
is used as a context manager to prevent having to explicitly close and join it.Timer
is a simply context manager to time blocks of code.pool.map
replaced with calls to pool.apply_async
would be fine too, but you'd want to build the argument list before the .map
call and unpack it in the worker function, e.g.:
with Pool(processes=32) as pool:
args = [(
) for (i,j) in index_combns]
sums_mp = pool.map(add_mats_shared, args)
# and
# Helper for mp version
def add_mats_shared(args):
shm_name, array_shape, array_dtype, i1, i2 = args
shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=shm_name)