In Fiddler's Filters tab, I have "Use Filters" checked off.
I have no zone filter.
I have chosen "Show only the following hosts" and have added the host name that I want to show exactly as it is displayed in Fiddler's "Host" column in the Web Sessions window.
It's not working at all.
I have Fiddler set up to capture all processes.
I'd also like to get Fiddler to show a couple of different hosts
Any suggestions? thanks.
In Fiddler's Filters tab, I have "Use Filters" checked off. ->checked off? should be on.
I have chosen "Show only the following hosts" and have added the host name that I want to show exactly as it is displayed in Fiddler's "Host" column in the Web Sessions window. ->make sure you didn't add the 'http://' before it
I'd also like to get Fiddler to show a couple of different hosts ->just separate them with a space or colon.
good luck!