I am trying to parse the below xml to fetch the ScId element values based on certain condition. This condition is mentioned in the xpath string and then select the ScId value in xpathNext string.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
I'm using nested xpath query using VTD xml parser to fetch the ScId value which start with RC and Type = Daycare.
Below is the code
String xpath = "/*/School[starts-with(ScId,'RC')]/Location/Branch[Type='Daycare']";
String xml = "/school.xml";
final VTDGenHuge vg = new VTDGenHuge();
vg.parseFile(xml, true, VTDGenHuge.MEM_MAPPED);
VTDNavHuge vn = vg.getNav();
AutoPilotHuge aph = new AutoPilotHuge(vn);
String xpathNext = "concat(//ScId,'-NEW')";
while ((aph.evalXPath()) != -1) {
and parsing logic is
private static String getparsedValue(final VTDNavHuge vn, String xpath) throws NavException,
XPathParseException, XPathEvalException, XPathParseExceptionHuge, XPathEvalExceptionHuge, NavExceptionHuge{
String value = null;
AutoPilotHuge ap = new AutoPilotHuge(vn);
value = ap.evalXPathToString();
System.out.println("parsed value is " +value);
return value;
This returns me
parsed value is SC101-91-NEW
while I'm expecting it to be
parsed value is RC101-92-NEW
Maybe this XPath-1.0 expression helps you. I have no Java available to test it.
/*/School[starts-with(ScId,'RC') and Location/Branch[Type='Daycare']]
This iterates over all <School>
elements that satisfy the conditions.
To get the <ScId>
, add the string /ScId
to the end of the expression.