I'm trying to make my BottomSheetDialogFragment
to be fullscreen when it's opened, the issue is that in any case the Dialog
is shown half of screen height.
I've tried to set the peekHeight as the following:
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
dialog?.setOnShowListener { dialog ->
val bottomSheetBehavior: BottomSheetBehavior<*> = (dialog as BottomSheetDialog).behavior
bottomSheetBehavior.peekHeight = Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.heightPixels
bottomSheetBehavior.state = BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED
But the Dialog
is shown as same as without the peekHeight.
Then i've tried to add android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Material.Light.NoActionBar.Fullscreen"
In my BottomSheet
layout but still had the same result.
Use this
fun setupRatio(context: Context, bottomSheetDialog: BottomSheetDialog, percetage: Int) {
//id = com.google.android.material.R.id.design_bottom_sheet for Material Components
//id = android.support.design.R.id.design_bottom_sheet for support librares
val bottomSheet =
bottomSheetDialog.findViewById<View>(R.id.design_bottom_sheet) as FrameLayout
val behavior: BottomSheetBehavior<*> = BottomSheetBehavior.from(bottomSheet)
val layoutParams = bottomSheet.layoutParams
layoutParams.height = getBottomSheetDialogDefaultHeight(context, percetage)
bottomSheet.layoutParams = layoutParams
behavior.state = BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED
call this into onStart in your dialog
override fun onStart() {
setupRatio(requireContext(),dialog as BottomSheetDialog,100)
private fun getBottomSheetDialogDefaultHeight(context: Context, percetage: Int): Int {
return getWindowHeight(context) * percetage / 100
private fun getWindowHeight(context: Context): Int {
// Calculate window height for fullscreen use
val displayMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
(context as Activity?)!!.windowManager.defaultDisplay.getMetrics(displayMetrics)
return displayMetrics.heightPixels