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Complex JSON object from CSV String in Python

I want the below JSON output after parsing csv string in Python to feed API:


Since I am new to python after some research I was able to write the below code, which is working, but I am getting some additional junk characters in the final output.

Output :

{'records': [{'{"fields": {"Account": "T671", "Code": "A7710"}}'}, 
enter code here
"T672", "Code": "A7799"}}'}]}

can someone help on how to get rid of extra {' and '}?

Code -

data = {'records': []}

data1 = {}

line_var = input_var_1.splitlines()
for line in line_var:
    records = line.split(',')
    data1.update({'fields': {'Account': records[0].strip(),'Code': records[1].strip()}})
    data2 = json.dumps(data1)


  • the additional {' is there because you dump the inner dictionary to a string and insert it into a set which you then put in the list.

    Leave the data2 = json.dumps(data1) out and just insert data1 in your data["records"]. You'll get a proper list of dictionaries that you can use further

    Only dump the dictionary if you need it's text-representation for writing it to a file etc.

    You also don't need to initialize the data1 dictionary, just assign a new one in every loop and write it to the list. It will overwrite the reference by default