I have two agents mosquito and human. they both have different states like susceptible and infected. I want to check states for my agents and do the action I want to check if mosquito is infected and human susceptible then infect human and vice versa. please help on the codes
to go
ask human
set heading random 360
forward random 2
**if any? human-here infected? true and any? mosquito-here infected? false
ask mosquito [ set infected? true
set color red]
You first need to decide which agents you want to ask to take the action necessary to infect or be infected. For that, I suggest using the "with" primitive that allows you to create a subset of the agentsets for which it makes sense to check if they can be infected.
humans with [susceptible? = true and infected? = false]
After that you can ask this group to check for the conditions necessary to become infected themselves. if any? mosquitos-here with [infected? = true] [set infected? true]
I suggest doing this separately for both humans and mosquitos as your conditions might differ for both. Combined, your code could look something like this:
to go
ask humans
set heading random 360
forward random 2
ask mosquitos
set heading random 360
forward random 2
ask humans with [susceptible? = true and infected? = false] [
if any? mosquitos-here with [infected? = true] [set infected? true set color red]
ask mosquitos with [susceptible? = true and infected? = false] [
if any? humans-here with [infected? = true] [set infected? true set color red]
If infection happens in a symmetric way, you could also use something like the following but I wouldn't suggest it since I assume you want some distinction between humans and mosquitos
ask turtles with [susceptible? = true and infected? = false] [
let my-breed breed
if any? turtles-here with [infected? = true and breed != my-breed] [set infected? true set color red]