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typo3 and typo3cms command line tools: list inactive extensions

I have a TYPO3 CMS v10 system running and have a question about the typo3 and typo3cms command line tools.

Maybe it is just me but I cannot figure out a way to list all the inactive ("deactivated") extensions that are installed in the system, via the command line.

When I run typo3 extension:list

I get this output

All installed (= active) extensions

| Extension Key                  | Version    | Type     | Status |
| core                           | 10.4.22    | System   | active |
| scheduler                      | 10.4.22    | System   | active |
| extbase                        | 10.4.22    | System   | active |
...many more

But this listing does not contain any inactive extensions. The rightmost column always has the value "active". (It is useless)

There is an alternative, better, command-line tool, typo3cms, and the subcommand

typo3cms extension:list

however, gives this output:

 -------------------------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
Extension key              Version     Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 -------------------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  core                       10.4.22     The core library of TYPO3.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  scheduler                  10.4.22     The TYPO3 Scheduler let's you register tasks to happen at a specific time                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  extbase                    10.4.22     A framework to build extensions for TYPO3 CMS. 
...many more

This output lists all extensions, active and deactivated, but it does not contain a Status column (unlike the first listing).

Again: how can I get a listing of only the inactive extensions, with the command line?

I am familiar with the standard unix command line tools, so any help with additional tools (e.g. grep, jq) is fine with me.

(I know can get this information this via the graphical backend, extension manager panel)


  • typo3 extension:list has an option to list all available extensions, including deactivated ones. So typo3 extension:list -a will give you a complete list, instead of just the active ones.