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Listen to user inactivity with AWS Amplify / Cognito

Given that you can set access, refresh and ID token expiration time through the Amazon Cognito Console. How can I listen for the token expiring, so that I can redirect the user back to the login page and show an informational message when that happens?

I noticed that Amplify has a Hub utility where you can add listeners, but I'm not sure what to listen for.


  • Did quite a bit of resarch and found out that using the Amplify util called Hub, you can listen to the refresh token expiring, as well as other authentication related events.

    Here's an example of a hook making use of it, React style:

    export const useCognitoContextProvider = () => {
      const [context, setContext] = useState({ isSignedIn: false });
      useEffect(() => {
        const authListener = ({ channel, payload: { event } }) => {
          if (channel === 'auth') {
            switch (event) {
              case 'signIn':
                setContext(prevState => (prevState.isSignedIn ? prevState : { ...prevState, isSignedIn: true }));
              case 'tokenRefresh_failure':
        Hub.listen('auth', authListener);
        return (): void => {
          Hub.remove('auth', authListener);
      }, []);
      return context;

    And usage:

    // CognitoContext.js
    export const CognitoContext = createContext({ isSignedIn: false });
    // App.js
    const cognitoContext = useCognitoContextProvider();
    <Provider store={store}>
      <CognitoContext.Provider value={cognitoContext}>
        <Routes />