Given that you can set access, refresh and ID token expiration time through the Amazon Cognito Console. How can I listen for the token expiring, so that I can redirect the user back to the login page and show an informational message when that happens?
I noticed that Amplify has a Hub utility where you can add listeners, but I'm not sure what to listen for.
Did quite a bit of resarch and found out that using the Amplify
util called Hub
, you can listen to the refresh token expiring, as well as other authentication related events.
Here's an example of a hook making use of it, React style:
export const useCognitoContextProvider = () => {
const [context, setContext] = useState({ isSignedIn: false });
useEffect(() => {
const authListener = ({ channel, payload: { event } }) => {
if (channel === 'auth') {
switch (event) {
case 'signIn':
setContext(prevState => (prevState.isSignedIn ? prevState : { ...prevState, isSignedIn: true }));
case 'tokenRefresh_failure':
Hub.listen('auth', authListener);
return (): void => {
Hub.remove('auth', authListener);
}, []);
return context;
And usage:
// CognitoContext.js
export const CognitoContext = createContext({ isSignedIn: false });
// App.js
const cognitoContext = useCognitoContextProvider();
<Provider store={store}>
<CognitoContext.Provider value={cognitoContext}>
<Routes />