I have this tsvector column for full-text search of two columns' name and address.
ALTER TABLE public.business_info ADD column search_vector tsvector NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (setweight(to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, COALESCE(name, ''::text)), 'A'::"char") || setweight(to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, COALESCE(address, ''::text)), 'B'::"char")) STORED
I am trying the below query to find records with full text wild card search
SELECT name,ts_rank_cd(search_vector, to_tsquery('Oklahoma&State:*')) as rank
from business_info order by rank desc
But I am getting the result as below though I am expecting, records with the name "Oklahoma state" show a higher ranking. Any idea how to rank these results to get the results with a higher ranking on the inputs that the user has given?
If you are interested on higher score in the starting positions of the string, simple define an expression for this part.
Here an example for the first two words
coalesce((string_to_array(name, ' '))[1],' ')||' ' || coalesce((string_to_array(name, ' '))[2],' ') as name_pfx,
from business_info;
name_pfx, name
Southwest Oklahoma Southwest Oklahoma State University at Oklahoma State University-OKC
Than define a higher weight for this prefix e.g.
ALTER TABLE business_info
ADD column search_vector tsvector NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS
COALESCE((coalesce((string_to_array(name, ' '))[1],' ')||' ' || coalesce((string_to_array(name, ' '))[2],' ')), ''::text)), 'A'::"char") ||
setweight(to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, COALESCE(name, ''::text)), 'B'::"char")) stored;
Resut is as expected
SELECT name_pfx||' '||name name,ts_rank_cd(search_vector, to_tsquery('Oklahoma&State:*')) as rank
from business_info order by rank desc
"rank", "name"
2.1714287 Oklahoma State Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City
2.0714285 Oklahoma State Oklahoma State University at Western Oklahoma
0.93333334 Southwest Oklahoma Southwest Oklahoma State University at Oklahoma State University-OKC
0.90000004 Southwest Oklahoma Southwest Oklahoma State University at Northwest Oklahoma State University-A
0.90000004 Western Oklahoma Western Oklahoma State College at Western Oklahoma State College