I want to force SUMO to make some vehicles slow down at specific time steps using traci. I used the following script but once the 'c1' vehicle leaves the network, the error issues saying " the vehicle 'c1" is not known and stops. I know this is due to the 'for' loop but have no idea instead.
def slowdown():
N = 1000
step = 0
traci.vehicle.add(vehID = 'c1', typeID = "car1", routeID = "route_1", departLane='0', depart = 30)
traci.vehicle.add(vehID = 'c2', typeID = "car1", routeID = "route_1", departLane='0', depart = 60)
for step in range(N):
if step % 10 == 5:
traci.vehicle.slowDown('c1', 0, 5)
traci.vehicle.slowDown('c2 ', 0, 5)
step += 1
There are two possiblities here: Either you check whether the vehicle is still there using something like:
if 'c1' in traci.vehicle.getIDList():
or you catch the TraCIException which is raised and continue.