I have a GitHub action workflow that outputs a number and I want to display that in a badge.
Using https://github.com/username/reponame/actions/workflows/myaction.yml/badge.svg I get a red or green failing/success badge but I want to display the number of failures instead, which the workflow outputs into the "errors" output variable.
How can I access that variable in a badge?
There are few options in Github actions marketplace
Bring Your Own Badge - https://github.com/marketplace/actions/bring-your-own-badge
BYOB is a GitHub Action to create badges dynamically based off of GitHub Actions' results, allowing for extremely versatile and easily-maintainable badges.
If you want to use https://shields.io/, consider Dynamic Badges - https://github.com/marketplace/actions/dynamic-badges
This action allows you to create badges for your README.md with shields.io which may change with every commit. To do this, this action does not need to push anything to your repository!