I want to put file .rfa into Forge DesignAutomation to use function LoadFamily create Special equipment by Revit. I don't know how to put it. Is it possible to upload the .rfa? And do i need to configure the activity, bucket or anything else ?
You can send any data to Design Automation job, so that includes rfa
files. You may follow any of our code samples (say count.delete) and modify it's activity definition to add an extra parameter and give it an hardcoded local name.
"inputRFA": {
"verb": "get",
"description": "Input Family",
"localName": "input.rfa"
When you post your workitem, you can add the inputRFA
argument to it with a downloadable link corresponding to the file. This will save your file on the worker machine in the working folder with the hardcoded name provided in the activity parameter input.rfa
You may then load the family in your appbundle code using:
Family family = null;
document.LoadFamily("input.rfa", out family);
If your input.rfa
is always the same for different jobs, you can instead save the family file(s) in the app bundle itself. See some ideas discussed in the blog.