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How to make a multiline title with strings

I am new to using Python and am converting some of my MatLab code. I have 3 strings that I would like to use as a multi-line title. I keep getting the error"TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'".

# importing the required module 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# x axis values 
x = [1,2,3] 
# corresponding y axis values 
y = [2,4,1] 

wx = 1
wy = 2
wz = 3
v0 = 50

# Create title strings:
line1 = ['Position']
line2 = ['$w_x =$ ',str(wx),' ft/s, $w_y =$ ', str(wy),' ft/s,  $w_z =$ ', str(wz),' ft/s']
line3 = ['$V_0$ = ',str(v0),' ft/sec'] 

# plotting the points  
plt.plot(x, y) 
# naming the x axis 
plt.xlabel('x - axis') 
# naming the y axis 
plt.ylabel('y - axis') 
# giving a title to my graph 
plt.title({line1, line2, line3})
# function to show the plot 

Thank you in advance for your help!


  • This should work:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    # x axis values 
    x = [1,2,3] 
    # corresponding y axis values 
    y = [2,4,1] 
    wx = 1
    wy = 2
    wz = 3
    v0 = 50
    # Create title strings:
    line1 = ['Position', '\n']
    line2 = ['$w_x =$ ',str(wx),' ft/s, $w_y =$ ', str(wy),' ft/s,  $w_z =$ ', str(wz),' ft/s', '\n']
    line3 = ['$V_0$ = ',str(v0),' ft/sec', '\n']
    # plotting the points  
    plt.plot(x, y) 
    # naming the x axis 
    plt.xlabel('x - axis') 
    # naming the y axis 
    plt.ylabel('y - axis') 
    # giving a title to my graph 
    title = ''
    for i in line1: title += i + ' '
    title += '\n'
    for i in line2: title += i + ' '
    title += '\n'
    for i in line3: title += i + ' '
    # function to show the plot 
