I am following a tutorial and I am confused what this line is doing because it's not running and syntax error:
rs = rep_points.apply(lambda row: df[(df['lat']==row['lat']) && (df['lon']==row['lon'])].iloc[0], axis=1)
Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax at &
Tutorial Link: https://geoffboeing.com/2014/08/clustering-to-reduce-spatial-data-set-size/
Can someone help me what can I do instead of this or how to correct this?
The answer is probably to replace &&
with a single &
There are two mistakes that happened here:
with &&
. Because in HTML, &
is special, you need to write it as &
in your HTML source to get a literal & in the browser. It looks like the blog software made that translation once too many.&&
(the operator for logical and
in languages like C) while they meant either and
or &
. Given that we're using dataframes, my initial guess would be that the right answer is &