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Testcontainers with Podman in Java tests

Is it possible to use Testcontainers with Podman in Java tests?

As of March 2022, the Testcontainers library doesn't detect an installed Podman as a valid Docker environment.

Can Podman be a Docker replacement on both MacOS with Apple silicon (local development environment) and Linux x86_64 (CI/CD environment)?


  • It is possible to use Podman with Testcontainers in Java projects, that use Gradle on Linux and MacOS (both x86_64 and Apple silicon).


    Enable the Podman service

    Testcontainers library communicates with Podman using socket file.


    Start Podman service for a regular user (rootless) and make it listen to a socket:

    systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket

    Check the Podman service status:

    systemctl --user status podman.socket

    Check the socket file exists:

    ls -la /run/user/$UID/podman/podman.sock


    Podman socket file /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock can be found inside the Podman-managed Linux VM. A local socket on MacOS can be forwarded to a remote socket on Podman-managed VM using SSH tunneling.

    The port of the Podman-managed VM can be found with the command podman system connection list --format=json.

    Install jq to parse JSON:

    brew install jq

    Create a shell alias to forward the local socket /tmp/podman.sock to the remote socket /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:

    echo "alias podman-sock=\"rm -f /tmp/podman.sock && ssh -i ~/.ssh/podman-machine-default -p \$(podman system connection list --format=json | jq '.[0].URI' | sed -E 's|.+://.+@.+:([[:digit:]]+)/.+|\1|') -L'/tmp/podman.sock:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock' -N core@localhost\"" >> ~/.zprofile
    source ~/.zprofile

    Open an SSH tunnel:


    Make sure the SSH tunnel is open before executing tests using Testcontainers.

    Configure Gradle build script


    test {
        OperatingSystem os = DefaultNativePlatform.currentOperatingSystem;
        if (os.isLinux()) {
            def uid = ["id", "-u"].execute().text.trim()
            environment "DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///run/user/$uid/podman/podman.sock"
        } else if (os.isMacOsX()) {
            environment "DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///tmp/podman.sock"
        environment "TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED", "true"

    Set DOCKER_HOST environment variable to Podman socket file depending on the operating system.

    Disable Ryuk with the environment variable TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED.

    Moby Ryuk helps you to remove containers/networks/volumes/images by given filter after specified delay.

    Ryuk is a technology for Docker and doesn't support Podman. See testcontainers/moby-ryuk#23

    Testcontainers library uses Ruyk to remove containers. Instead of relying on Ryuk to implicitly remove containers, we will explicitly remove containers with a JVM shutdown hook:

    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(container::stop));

    Pass the environment variables

    As an alternative to configuring Testcontainers in a Gradle build script, you can pass the environment variables to Gradle.


    DOCKER_HOST="unix:///run/user/$UID/podman/podman.sock" \
    ./gradlew clean build -i


    DOCKER_HOST="unix:///tmp/podman.sock" \
    ./gradlew clean build -i

    Full example

    See the full example