I have a example data set
gene_name | motif_id | matched_sequence |
A | y1 | CCC |
A | y2 | CCAAA |
A | y3 | AAG |
A | y3 | AT |
B | y1 | AAAA |
B | y4 | AAT |
C | y5 | AAGG |
and trying to get dataset like in R :
gene_name | Node1 | Node2 | sequence | occurence |
A | y1 | y2 | CCC, CCAAA | 2 |
A | y1 | y3 | CCC,AAG,AAT | 3 |
A | y2 | y3 | CCAAA,AGG,AAT | 3 |
B | y1 | y4 | AAAA,AAT | 2 |
motif_id column alway has a target and looking for common gene_name from each combination of start column without any overlaps and its list of sequence.
I have tried :
group_by(gene_name, motif_id) %>%
summarize(matched_sequence = paste0(matched_sequence, collapse = ",")) %>%
mutate(count = n()) %>% filter(count>=2) %>%
summarize(motif_id = combn(motif_id, 2, function(x) list(setNames(x, c('Node1', 'Node2')))), matched_sequence = toString(matched_sequence),
.groups = 'keep') %>%
however failed to acquire sequence and occurence columns. Can anyone give me an advise?
We group by 'gene_name', keep only the groups where the number of distinct (n_distinct
elements in 'motif_id' is greater than 1. get the pairwise combn
ations of 'unique' elements, create the 'sequence' by extracting the 'matched_sequence' that matches with the 'motif_id' values, get the lengths
of the list
in 'occurence', use unnest_wider
to create columns from the list
column, and convert the 'sequence' list
to character
column by paste
ing the elements in the list
data %>%
dplyr::group_by(gene_name) %>%
dplyr::filter(n() > 1, n_distinct(motif_id) > 1) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Node = combn(unique(motif_id), 2,
simplify = FALSE),
sequence = purrr::map(Node, ~
matched_sequence[motif_id %in% .x]),
occurence = lengths(sequence), .groups = 'drop') %>%
tidyr::unnest_wider(Node) %>%
dplyr::mutate(sequence = purrr::map_chr(sequence, toString)) %>%
dplyr::rename_with(~ stringr::str_c("Node", seq_along(.x)), starts_with("..."))
# A tibble: 4 × 5
gene_name Node1 Node2 sequence occurence
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
1 A y1 y2 CCC, CCAAA 2
2 A y1 y3 CCC, AAG, AT 3
3 A y2 y3 CCAAA, AAG, AT 3
4 B y1 y4 AAAA, AAT 2
data <- structure(list(gene_name = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C"
), motif_id = c("y1", "y2", "y3", "y3", "y1", "y4", "y5"),
matched_sequence = c("CCC",
"CCAAA", "AAG", "AT", "AAAA", "AAT", "AAGG")),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,