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how to catch response and display the exception handle in back-end in angular

i am trying to catch the response and display in the browser when data is not found but i didn't got idea how to do it when response is in array.

In the postman response is in following way: [ { "responseStatus": "No record found!!", "responseCode": "0" } ] i tried to catch and display in the browser but not worked. i tried this way:

 if (response.responseCode == "0") {{
          title: 'Data Not Exists!',
          confirmButtonColor: 'green',

How to catch response and display in browser when response given is in array form like :[ { "responseStatus": "No record found!!", "responseCode": "0" } ]

Thank you in advance


  • if (response.responseCode == "0") {

    What does the response look like?

    Is it this?

    response = [ 
      { "responseStatus": "No record found!!", "responseCode": "0" } 

    or this?

    response = { "responseStatus": "No record found!!", "responseCode": "0" };

    The first one is an array, so you will need to do response[0].responseCode. The [0] is to reach into the array and get the first element.

    You will of course need to add some logics to handle when the response returns the success object/array.