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Retrofit Try&Catch is not working as I expected

I can catch IOException by using try&catch but I can't catch HttpException by using try&catch. I tried to catch error code 401 by using if else conditions and it's working.

The question is why try&catch method is not working to catch error code 401 in this situation? What should I do?

override suspend fun wallpaperByTagRepo(tag: String,page: Int): Flow<Resource<List<WallPaper>>> = flow {


        try {
            val response = remoteDataSource.wallpaperByTagDS(tag, page)
            if (response.isSuccessful){

                val body = response.body()
                body?.let { dto ->
                    val data = dto.toWallPaper()
                    emit(Resource.Success(data = data))
                    401 -> {
                        Log.w(TAG,"401 Unauthorized")

        catch (e: IOException){
            emit(Resource.Error("Please check your connection..."))

        catch (e:HttpException){
            emit(Resource.Error("Unexpected error, please try later..."))





  • Retrofit will not throw retrofit2.HttpException in case of non-2xx HTTP response. In this situation you can manually construct an retrofit2.HttpException object from an unexpected response like:

    try {
        if (response.isSuccessful) {
        } else {
            throw HttpException(response)
    } catch (e: IOException) {
    } catch (e: HttpException) {