I have written a JXA script for Numbers that coverts a standard eCommerce order spreadsheet to the Stamps.com format for uploading the order, to print shipping labels. After 2 weeks of digging for info on JXA for Numbers, I have the conversion at 90%. But, I need to delete some non-relevant rows and can't get that function to work. I am also confused between .deleteRow() and .remove(). The commented-out code was a different attempt which also did not work. However, using the table.ranges["6:6"] I did manage to select (highlight) the entire row 6, but then no delete. Here is my current code (fragment).
var Numbers = Application('Numbers')
Numbers.includeStandardAdditions = true;
const myFilePath = "/Users/jds/Sites/Customer Excel sheets for STAMPS/";
// Point to the file and open it
var path = Numbers.chooseFile({ withPrompt: 'Please select spreadsheet file (.xls, .xlsx, .numbers' })
var doc = Numbers.open(path)
// Access the first table of the first sheet of the document
thesheet = doc.sheets[0]
table = thesheet.tables[0]
// Check for "Marci Bee" example (highlighted) row present at row 6; if so, delete the row.
if (table.cells["E6"].value() === "Marci Bee") {
Numbers.displayAlert("Marci is here.") // *** DEBUG *** (This works)
const marciRow = 6
Numbers.displayAlert("Ok 1") // *** DEBUG ***
table.rangeSelection = table.ranges["6:6"]
Numbers.displayAlert("Ok 2") // *** DEBUG ***
rmMyRow = table.selectionRange()
Numbers.displayAlert("Ok 3") // *** DEBUG ***
Numbers.displayAlert("Marci is gone.") // *** DEBUG ***
table.rows[marciRow-1].delete(); //the index is zero based