I am trying to apply autofilter on a column based on a list of values
Once I filter, I would like to get the column position
For ex: In below screenshot, if my filter value is 1, I want cell location to be B10.
Similarly, when my filter value is 2, I want cell location to be B11.
How can I get this? I was trying something like below
import xlwings as xw
for val in filter_val_list:
for col in range(1, 1000000):
if sheet.range((row,col)).value == val:
print("The Row is: "+str(row)+" and the column is "+str(col))
Check if the row is hidden, if not print the cell address:
import xlwings as xw
path = r"test.xlsx"
with xw.App(visible=False) as app:
wb = xw.Book(path)
ws = wb.sheets[0]
for a_cell in ws.used_range:
if a_cell.api.EntireRow.Hidden == False:
print(a_cell.address) # Or use .column if you need the column number.
If the first row of your sheet is a header row that you do not want to get the cell address of, use used_range[1:,:]
instead of used_range
. You can also specify a column instead of used_range