sorry i think this is pretty basic but i've spent a while trying to find an answer and i can't work it out.
i'm using spotify api / spotipy to make a playlist, it works and the playlist is created, but i want to retrieve the playlist_id so i can then add tracks to it, but i can't work out how to get any response information from the api.
def make_playlist(name='python_play'):
user =['id']
response = make_playlist()
pprint (response)
returns "None"
i thought i would call response.text or repsonse.contents or something like that but response is none-type and i can't call anything from it?
i've been happily retrieving info from the api and then using that info to populate a db via sqlalchemy, but i don't understand how to actually get a response when i create the playlist..
example of successful api calls for info/db population:
def get_artists(num=1):
'''takes num, retrieves num artists, returns list of dicts'''
if num <=50:
limit = num
limit = 50
artist_list = []
after = 0
for offset in range(0, num, 50):
response = sp.current_user_followed_artists(limit=limit, after=after)
for artist in response['artists']['items']:
artist_name = artist['name']
artist_id = artist['id']
artist_dict={"artist name": artist_name,
"artist id": artist_id}
after = artist_id
return artist_list
def new_artist(artist_list):
'''takes list of artists, writes to db'''
session = Session()
artist_list = artist_list
for artist in artist_list:
new_artist = Artist(artist_name=artist['artist name'], artist_id=artist['artist id'])
def populate_artists(num=1000):
'''takes num_artists, calls get_artists, calls new_artist'''
artist_list = get_artists(num)
return artist_list
artist_list = populate_artists(10)
What @StayPerfect means is, you forgot to return the response of sp.user_playlist_create() in row 3:
def make_playlist(name='python_play'):
user =['id']
return sp.user_playlist_create(user=user,name=name)
response = make_playlist()
pprint (response)