I'm a newbie in C# and exercising multicast delegation, I wrote this code:
class MyClass
public static double Calculate(int x, double z)
double Result = (x / z);
return Result;
public static double Calculate2(int x, double z)
double Result = (x * z);
return Result;
public class Program
public delegate double MyDlgt(int Number1, double Number2);
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("What is You First Value ? ");
int NUM1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("What is You Second Value ? ");
Double NUM2 = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
MyDlgt FirstDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate);
MyDlgt SecondDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate2);
Console.WriteLine("<---------Simple Delegate --------->");
Console.WriteLine("The Division Result is : " + FirstDlgt(NUM1, NUM2));
Console.WriteLine("The Multiply Result is : " + SecondDlgt(NUM1, NUM2));
Console.WriteLine("<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->");
MyDlgt MultiCast = FirstDlgt + SecondDlgt;
Console.WriteLine("The Result is : " + MultiCast(NUM1, NUM2));
The multicast is only showing the second function I don't know why.
The result is
What is You First Value ?
What is You Second Value ?
<---------Simple Delegate --------->
The Division Result is : 0.5
The Multiply Result is : 200
<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->
The Result is : 200
I tried multicast with void and working perfectly
class MyClass
public static void Calculate(int x, double z)
Console.WriteLine("The Result is :"+ (x / z));
public static void Calculate2(int x, double z)
Console.WriteLine("The Result is :" + (x * z));
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("What is You First Value ? ");
int NUM1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("What is You Second Value ? ");
Double NUM2 = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
MyDlgt FirstDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate);
MyDlgt SecondDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate2);
Console.WriteLine("<---------Simple Delegate --------->");
FirstDlgt.Invoke(NUM1, NUM2);
SecondDlgt.Invoke(NUM1, NUM2);
Console.WriteLine("<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->");
MyDlgt MultiCast = FirstDlgt + SecondDlgt;
MultiCast(NUM1, NUM2);
The result is correct :
What is You First Value ?
What is You Second Value ?
<---------Simple Delegate --------->
The Result is :0.5
The Result is :200
<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->
The Result is :0.5
The Result is :200
Why it is working with void and not with functions with return ?
Sorry for the long post, thanks in advance
According to the spec:
If the delegate invocation includes output parameters or a return value, their final value will come from the invocation of the last delegate in the list.
If you need more control over individual results, then use GetInvocationList()
foreach (MyDlgt myDlgt in MultiCast.GetInvocationList())
double result = myDlgt(NUM1, NUM2);