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Why this multicast delegation isn’t working with functions in C#?

I'm a newbie in C# and exercising multicast delegation, I wrote this code:

class MyClass
    public static double Calculate(int x, double z)
        double Result = (x / z);
        return Result;

    public static double Calculate2(int x, double z)
        double Result = (x * z);
        return Result;

public class Program
    public delegate double MyDlgt(int Number1, double Number2);

    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("What is You First Value ? ");
        int NUM1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        Console.WriteLine("What is You Second Value ? ");
        Double NUM2 = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        MyDlgt FirstDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate);
        MyDlgt SecondDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate2);

        Console.WriteLine("<---------Simple Delegate --------->");

        Console.WriteLine("The Division Result is : " + FirstDlgt(NUM1, NUM2));
        Console.WriteLine("The Multiply Result is : " + SecondDlgt(NUM1, NUM2));

        Console.WriteLine("<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->");
        MyDlgt MultiCast = FirstDlgt + SecondDlgt;
        Console.WriteLine("The Result is : " + MultiCast(NUM1, NUM2));

The multicast is only showing the second function I don't know why.

The result is

What is You First Value ? 
What is You Second Value ? 
<---------Simple Delegate --------->
The Division Result is : 0.5
The Multiply Result is : 200

<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->
The Result is : 200

I tried multicast with void and working perfectly

class MyClass
        public static void Calculate(int x, double z)
            Console.WriteLine("The Result is :"+ (x / z));

        public static void Calculate2(int x, double z)
            Console.WriteLine("The Result is :" + (x * z));

        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("What is You First Value ? ");
            int NUM1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("What is You Second Value ? ");
            Double NUM2 = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            MyDlgt FirstDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate);
            MyDlgt SecondDlgt = new MyDlgt(MyClass.Calculate2);
            Console.WriteLine("<---------Simple Delegate --------->");
            FirstDlgt.Invoke(NUM1, NUM2);
            SecondDlgt.Invoke(NUM1, NUM2);
            Console.WriteLine("<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->");
            MyDlgt MultiCast = FirstDlgt + SecondDlgt;
            MultiCast(NUM1, NUM2);

The result is correct :

What is You First Value ? 
What is You Second Value ? 
<---------Simple Delegate --------->
The Result is :0.5
The Result is :200

<---------MultiCast Delegate --------->
The Result is :0.5
The Result is :200

Why it is working with void and not with functions with return ?

Sorry for the long post, thanks in advance


  • According to the spec:

    If the delegate invocation includes output parameters or a return value, their final value will come from the invocation of the last delegate in the list.

    If you need more control over individual results, then use GetInvocationList():

    foreach (MyDlgt myDlgt in MultiCast.GetInvocationList())
        double result = myDlgt(NUM1, NUM2);