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Kotlin Coroutine Flow: Limit the number of collector

Is there a way to limit the number of collector in a function that returns a Flow using flow builder?

I have this public method in a ViewModel

fun fetchAssets(limit: String) {

        viewModelScope.launch {

                getAssetsUseCase(AppConfigs.ASSET_PARAMS, limit).onEach {

                    when (it) {

                        is RequestStatus.Loading -> {

                        is RequestStatus.Success -> {

                        is RequestStatus.Failed -> {





This method is called on ViewModel's init block, but can also be called manually on UI.

This flow emits value every 10 seconds.


override fun fetchAssets(
        query: String,
        limit: String
    ) = flow {
        while (true) {
            try {
                interceptor.baseUrl = AppConfigs.ASSET_BASE_URL
                val domainModel = mapper.mapToDomainModel(service.getAssetItems(query, limit))
            } catch (e: HttpException) {
            } catch (e: IOException) {

Unfortunately every time fetch() was invoke from UI, I noticed that it creates another collectors thus can ended up having tons of collector which is really bad and incorrect.

The idea is having a flow that emits value every 10 seconds but can also be invoke manually via UI for immediate data update without having multiple collectors.


  • You seem to misunderstand what does it mean to collect the flow or you misuse the collect operation. By collecting the flow we mean we observe it for changes. But you try to use collect() to introduce changes to the flow, which can't really work. It just starts another flow in the background.

    You should collect the flow only once, so keep it inside init or wherever it is appropriate for your case. Then you need to update the logic of the flow to make it possible to trigger reloading on demand. There are many ways to do it and the solution will differ depending whether you need to reset the timer on manual update or not. For example, we can use the channel to notify the flow about the need to reload:

    val reloadChannel = Channel<Unit>(Channel.CONFLATED)
    fun fetchAssets(
        query: String,
        limit: String
    ) = flow {
        while (true) {
            try {
            withTimeoutOrNull(10.seconds) { reloadChannel.receive() } // replace `delay()` with this
    fun reload() {

    Whenever you need to trigger the manual reload, do not start another flow or invoke another collect() operation, but instead just invoke reload(). Then the flow that is already being collected, will start reloading and will emit state changes.

    This solution resets the timer on manual reload, which I believe is better for the user experience.