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To which Knapsack-problem variation does this problem correspond?

Let us imagine that I have to fill my knapsack with items under constraints:

  • Each item has an associated weight wi and profit pi
  • With a maximum total weight Wmax

Knowing that:

  • There are categories of items and I have to choose exactly one item from each category
  • Of course, the aim is to choose items to maximise the sum of the profits

Example : Wmax=400

Books Books weights Books profits Food Food weights Food profits
The Bible 500 25 Cheese 80 120
The little prince 150 5 Banana 250 200

Here, the best solution is (The little prince, Banana)

I have a similar problem and I'd like to find out the best way to code it but I can't figure out what version/ variation of the probleme this is, is it a known variation ?


  • I’m not sure if there’s an existing variation that matches yours, but it’s easy to draw inference from the classical variant and solve this.

    Classic variant has 2D dynamic programming (DP[N][W], where N and W are number of items and max weight).

    In this variant, since we can only pick one of each category, you can use 3D DP like dp[i][w][j], which denotes the maximum value you can get from the first i items with weight w and j is a 0/1 int denoting whether an item from category number j has been selected or not.

    I’ll leave the implementation, since the recursive relation is relatively simple and quite similar to the classic variant.