I want ask you how I can use Svelecte inside my component and forward all props and get all events to the parent.
My case:
import Select from './Select.svelte';
const list = [{ id: 1, name: 'Item 1' }, { id: 2, name: 'Item 2'}];
let myValue = null;
<Select options={list} bind:value={myValue} label="Country"></Select>
import Svelecte from 'svelecte';
export let label;
let id = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7);
<label for="{id}">{label}</label>
<Svelecte {...$$props} inputId={id}></Svelecte>
Binding in this case not working. Can you help me how I can use my own component including other component from other developer and forward props and get all events from there? I need selected item after select and get data to App.Svelte
Thank you
I think if you pass on the props like {...$$props}
you lose the binding. From the docs
$$props references all props that are passed to a component, including ones that are not declared with export. It is not generally recommended, as it is difficult for Svelte to optimise. But it can be useful in rare cases – for example, when you don't know at compile time what props might be passed to a component.
Simply export options and value and pass them declared and it seems to work REPL
import Select from './Select.svelte';
const list = [{ id: 1, name: 'Item 1' }, { id: 2, name: 'Item 2'}];
let myValue = null;
<Select options={list} bind:value={myValue} label="Country"></Select>
import Svelecte from 'svelecte';
export let label, options, value
let id = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7);
<label for="{id}">{label}</label>
<Svelecte {options} bind:value inputId={id}></Svelecte>