Good morning! I have here three smart contracts that interact with each other. To deploy two of them, they call the address of the first, and then they are linked. I use Remix, which is an IDE that has buttons where we can interact with contracts after deploying. Problem is, they have multiple functions, and to go through all the operation I need to perform, I need to keep calling function by function, and that's kind of tiring and error-prone. Please, do you know any alternative for me to call a series of functions in a certain order without having to call them one by one? Like a main contract that could call all the functions I need from the three other contracts. Thank you!
Example: function 1 of contract 1 / function 2 of contract 2 / function 1 of contract 3 / function 2 of contract 2 /
I don't want to do this manually anymore by clicking the Remix buttons. I wanted him to do this step by step alone.
You can interact with contracts directly on CLI using some tools like Hardhat or Truffle. A lot of developers are preferring to use Hardhat, it seems very practical, stable, and can do what you need.
You can even create script tests on Hardhat with various functions being called in any order you want.