I am trying to run a simple beanshell script to print 'Hello World' after building the war file. I am making references from this. However, I keep getting "No projects were selected for execution." after running mvn clean install. I am unsure if the error comes from the directories of the files or I am unable to just print 'Hello World' after the war file is built.
+- project folder/
+- buildTargetWarFileFolder/
+- python/
+- folder/
| +-helloWolrd.bsh
<projectsDirectory>project folder</projectsDirectory>
<id>print Hello World</id>
I would recommend using the exec:exec
goal directly, binding to the integration-test phase of the maven build (to try out your python script).
<argument>print('Hello world')</argument>
This is the same as running the following on the command line after your war is created:
python -c "print('Hello world')"