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Incorrect reflection after inheritance-involved serialization with MessagePack

I am serializing an Entity on a server:

    public class Entity
        private List<Component> _components = new List<Component>();
        public List<Component> Components {
            get {
                return _components;
                _components = value;

        public T GetComponent<T>() where T : Component
            foreach (Component component in _components)
                var componentType = component.GetType();
                if (componentType.Equals(typeof(T)))
                    return (T)component;
            return null;

    public class Component
        public Entity entity;

    public class Tile : Component
        public enum TileType

        public TileType Type { get; set; }

        public Tile(TileType type)
            Type = type;

Every Entity has a Tile (which inherits from Component). Before serializing I check the type of the Tile and it returns World2D.ECS.Components.Tile.

Then I send the serialized Entity to a client.

On the client I check reflection type of the component:

public T GetComponent<T>() where T : Component
            foreach (Component component in _components)
                var componentType = component.GetType();
                Debug.WriteLine(componentType); // returns World2D.ECS.Components.Component instead of World2D.ECS.Components.Tile as on the server
                if (componentType.Equals(typeof(T)))
                    return (T)component;
            return null;

After deserealizing Entity on the client, reflection returns World2D.ECS.Components.Component instead of World2D.ECS.Components.Tile.

Update 1: Confirmed that this doesn't occur due to sending the serialized Entity over the network because the bug occurs even if serializing and deserializing on the same machine.



    By default, type information is not included in the messagepack stream. The best way to add type information is to apply the [Union] attribute as described in the readme. You might also find the Typeless resolver can solve your problem, but that comes with security implications and a larger data size.