I would need to use the following bash command (or equivalent) into a R script. ideally, I would need to capture the output into a variable
curl -LH "Accept: text/bibliography; style=bibtex" https://doi.org/10.1002/cbin.11105
I checked the httr library, but I had no luck. Also, I tried to embed the command into a system call, but I was getting a hard to parse output using the option "intern = TRUE". Thanks in advance
res <- GET("https://doi.org/10.1002/cbin.11105", accept("text/bibliography; style=bibtex"))
# Response [https://api.crossref.org/v1/works/10.1002%2Fcbin.11105/transform]
# Date: 2022-03-18 19:21
# Status: 200
# Content-Type: text/bibliography
# Size: 475 B
# @article{2019, title={Silencing of MEG3 inhibited ox-LDL-induced inflammation and apoptosis in macrophages via ...
(Note the Status: 200
to ensure it was successful.)
# No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
# [1] " @article{2019, title={Silencing of MEG3 inhibited ox-LDL-induced inflammation and apoptosis in macrophages via modulation of the MEG3/miR-204/CDKN2A regulatory axis}, volume={43}, ISSN={1095-8355}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cbin.11105}, DOI={10.1002/cbin.11105}, number={4}, journal={Cell Biology International}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Yan, Long and Liu, Zhanchuan and Yin, Haoyuan and Guo, Zhenjie and Luo, Qi}, year={2019}, month={Feb}, pages={409?420} }\n"