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Why does this disassembled code not compile in C#?

I recovered the following class from a CIL to C# converter (.Net reflector). Unfortunately, VS2010 won't compile it. Any idea how I can make it work?

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
internal class <Module>
    static <Module>()
        IPLRes.ExeDirectory = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly>>().Location).DirectoryName;
        AppDomain expr_1E = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
        expr_1E.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(expr_1E.AssemblyNotFound);
        IPLRes.LogDirectory = IPLRes.ExeDirectory + "\\log";
        IPLMsg.Log("Loader", "Application starting...");
    public static Assembly AssemblyNotFound(object A_0, ResolveEventArgs A_1)
        string text = A_1.Name;
        text = text.Remove(text.IndexOf(","));
        text = IPLRes.ExeDirectory + "\\bin35\\" + text + ".dll";
        return Assembly.LoadFile(text);
    public static void IPLMain(string[] A_0)
        if (A_0.Length >= 1)
            IPLRes.BatchMode = A_0[0].Contains("batch");
        if (!IPLRes.BatchMode)
        string[] array = new string[]
        IPLMsg.Log("Loader", "Starting main interpreter");
        IPLRes.MainInterpreter = new IronPythonHost();
        if (IPLRes.MainInterpreter.Run(array) != 0)
            array = new string[]
            IPLMsg.Log("Loader", "Starting crash handler interpreter");
            IPLRes.CrashInterpreter = new IronPythonHost();
        IPLMsg.Log("Loader", "Application shutting down.");


  • That's a module initializer, which C# does not support.

    You can put it in the Main() instead.
    You will need to move the rest of Main() to a separate method so that it can be JITted after adding the AssemblyResolve handler.